* (digitalWrite commented out in fadeHold(). * without using digital write and setting pin 10 to low. * 20mm LED anode to pin 10 to 255 ohm resistor to GND. *Write a slow LED fade routine without delay. Pins 5 and 6, OK, so there is timer interaction, but 9,10,11 (different timers 9,10 and 11) is. Instead, the firmware outputs a pulse-width-modulated digital signal so that the signal's duty cycle, on average, roughly matches the analog signal intended voltage. It maintains a nice dim glow, not enough to notice unless you are looking. You may likely never notice that the Arduino analogWrite function does not generate a proper analog output signal when called on many Arduino development boards. Now I am at V1.6.6, but I don't see why that would make a difference. Having read this post PWM not fully off - Frequently-Asked Questions - Arduino Forum and the analogWrite reference, I am still at a loss as to why an analogWrite of 0 to pin 11 (or 9 or 10) does not kill the LED completely. This is revamped old code, but I do not remember it leaving the LED lit while working on it in IDE V1.0.

Pins 5 and 6, OK, so there is timer interaction, but 9,10,11 (different timers 9,10 and 11) is what has me befuddled. It maintains a nice dim glow, not enough to notice unless you are looking.
Arduino analogwrite not stable code#
This works, but when working with different libraries or code files (with different frequency requirements), this can be a bit cumbersome because this function hides some global state. Note that you cant use this method to turn on, lets say, pins 2 and 12 at the same time, because theyre in different registers. Currently, there is an analogWriteFrequency() that sets the frequency for all future analogWrite() calls on all timer channels. PWM not fully off - Frequently-Asked Questions - Arduino ForumĪnd the analogWrite reference, I am still at a loss as to why an analogWrite of 0 to pin 11 (or 9 or 10) does not kill the LED completely. AnalogWrite works by PWM, so you can just toggle those with a delay that depends on the desired output voltage.